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Propriétés dynamiques de HoFeO3 dans la région de la réorientation de spinDANYSHIN, N.K; ZHERLITSYN, S.V; ZVADA, S.S et al.Fizika tverdogo tela. 1989, Vol 31, Num 5, pp 198-204, issn 0367-3294Article

Influence d'une couche de transition sur les effets magnétooptiques près de l'angle de BrewsterZUBOV, V. E; KOSTYURIN, A. A; KRINCHIK, G. S et al.Optika i spektroskopiâ. 1989, Vol 66, Num 4, pp 852-857, issn 0030-4034Article

La structure de domaines des orthoferrites de Sm-Tb ayant des propriétés de diffraction anormalesKANDAUROVA, G. S; OSADCHENKO, V. KH.Kristallografiâ. 1989, Vol 34, Num 3, pp 667-673, issn 0023-4761Article

Théorie de la diffraction magnétooptique de la lumière dans les orthoferritesKANDAUROVA, G. S; MAL'TSEV, V. N; OSADCHENKO, V. KH et al.Optika i spektroskopiâ. 1989, Vol 67, Num 2, pp 413-416, issn 0030-4034, 4 p.Article

Domain wall structure of weak ferromagnets according to RamanKUZMENKO, A. P; ABAKUMOV, P. V; DOBROMYSLOV, M. B et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2012, Vol 324, Num 6, pp 1262-1264, issn 0304-8853, 3 p.Article

Measurements of spin reorientation in YbFeO3 and comparison with modified mean-field theoryBAZALIY, Ya. B; TSYMBAL, L. T; KAKAZEI, G. N et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 72, Num 17, pp 174403.1-174403.4, issn 1098-0121Article

Croissance et propriétés pyroélectriques de monocristaux de BiFeO3RAKOV, D. N; MURASHOV, V. A; BUSH, A. A et al.Kristallografiâ. 1988, Vol 33, Num 2, pp 445-449, issn 0023-4761Article

Structural properties of ErFeO3 in the spin-reorientation regionTSYMBAL, L. T; KAMENEV, V. I; BAZALIY, Ya. B et al.Physical review B. Condensed matter and materials physics. 2005, Vol 72, Num 5, pp 052413.1-052413.4, issn 1098-0121Article

Nature of energy gaps in the spectrum of spin waves at orientational transitionsDAN'SHIN, N. K; KRAMARCHUK, G. G; TYBULEWICZ, A et al.Physics of the solid state. 1993, Vol 35, Num 9, pp 1282-1283, issn 1063-7834Article

Rotation de Faraday non linéaire dans les orthoferrites de lanthanides lors de la transition magnétique de réorientation de spinBORISOV, S. V; ZEL'TSER, A. S; LYUBCHANSKIJ, I. L et al.Optika i spektroskopiâ. 1989, Vol 67, Num 1, pp 228-230, issn 0030-4034Article

Investigating the formation and magnetic properties of the Dy0.75Fe1.25O3 orthoferrite prepared by sol―gel methodLI, Jian-Jun; CAO, Jun-Gang.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 2009, Vol 321, Num 24, pp 3997-4000, issn 0304-8853, 4 p.Article

Rôle des déplacements latents dans la magnétostriction et le piézomagnétisme des orthoferritesMOSKVIN, A. S; LATYPOV, D. G; AGAFONOV, A. P et al.Fizika tverdogo tela. 1987, Vol 29, Num 10, pp 3157-3160, issn 0367-3294Article

Champs critiques dans les orthoferritesMEDVEDOVSKAYA, O. G; CHEPURNYKH, G. K.Fizika tverdogo tela. 1986, Vol 28, Num 10, pp 3203-3206, issn 0367-3294Article

Synthesis, phase evolution and properties of phase-pure nanocrystalline BiFeO3 prepared by a starch-based combustion methodKÖFERSTEIN, Roberto.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2014, Vol 590, pp 324-330, issn 0925-8388, 7 p.Article

Hardness, isomer shifts and chemical bond properties of rare earth orthoferritesLI HOU; FAMING GAO; LIHUA GAO et al.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2011, Vol 509, Num 24, pp 6876-6879, issn 0925-8388, 4 p.Article

Single crystal growth, magnetic properties and Schottky anomaly of HoFeO3 orthoferriteMINGJIE SHAO; SHIXUN CAO; YABIN WANG et al.Journal of crystal growth. 2011, Vol 318, Num 1, pp 947-950, issn 0022-0248, 4 p.Conference Paper

Synthesis, characterization, and property studies of (La, Ag) FeO3 (0.0 < x < 0.3) perovskitesBELLAKKI, Manjunath B; KELLY, Brandon J; MANIVANNAN, V et al.Journal of alloys and compounds. 2010, Vol 489, Num 1, pp 64-71, issn 0925-8388, 8 p.Article

Anomalies in low-temperature lattice parameters of ErFeO3 and ErAlO3 single crystals : correlation with magnetic propertiesBOMBIK, Andrzej; BÖHM, Horst; KUSZ, Joachim et al.Solid state communications. 2005, Vol 134, Num 4, pp 277-281, issn 0038-1098, 5 p.Article

Mechanical behaviour and fracture mechanism of flux grown holmium orthoferrite single crystalsBHAT, Monita; KAUR, Balwinder; BAMZAI, K. K et al.The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids. 2004, Vol 65, Num 7, pp 1359-1365, issn 0022-3697, 7 p.Article

Mechanism of elastically induced magnetization reversal in weak ferromagnetsKUZ'MENKO, A. P; BULGAKOV, V. K; TERESHCHENKO, V. D et al.Physics of metals and metallography. 2001, Vol 92, Num 1, pp 8-15, issn 0031-918XArticle

Hydrolysis of sodium orthoferrite [α-NaFeO2]BLESA, M. C; MORAN, E; MENENDEZ, N et al.Materials research bulletin. 1993, Vol 28, Num 8, pp 837-847, issn 0025-5408Article

Coupled oscillations of iron rare-earth and elastic subsystems in orthoferrites with Kramers rare-earth ionsBUCHEL'NIKOV, V. D; BYCHKOV, I. V; SHAVROV, V. G et al.Soviet physics, JETP. 1992, Vol 74, Num 6, pp 999-1005, issn 0038-5646Article

Magnetic properties of TmFeO3 and TmGa0.13Fe0.87O3 orthoferritesKARNEEVA, S. S; KALANTARIAN, V. P; GUESS, A. P et al.Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials. 1992, Vol 110, Num 3, pp 327-330, issn 0304-8853Article

A novel combustion synthesis of spinel ferrites, orthoferrites and garnetsSURESH, K; KUMAR, N. R. S; PATIL, K. C et al.Advanced materials (Weinheim). 1991, Vol 3, Num 3, pp 148-150, issn 0935-9648Article

Influence of a magnetic field on the Faraday effect in YFeO3 orthoferriteCHETKIN, M. V; KIRYUSHIN, A. V; SHCHERBAKOV, YU. I et al.Soviet physics. Solid state. 1991, Vol 33, Num 9, issn 0038-5654, p. 1577Article

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